What We Offer

1. Parental involvement within primary education

During this workshop you will be informed about how to involve parents in order to improve your education. We will give you concrete examples, have discussions and challenge you to come up with ideas that are applicable to your own situation. 

2. Integrating internationalisation in the curriculum

This interactive presentation showcases an example of a Dutch primary school, that successfully integrated internationalisation within their curriculum. You will be taking along a journey that shows you the path towards reaching this goal. You will get to know many practical suggestions and in the end have a concrete idea of what would be the next step for your school. 

3. Programming from the age 4 and up

This practical workshop lets you experience various ways of programming in primary school from the age of 4 and up. You will get a chance to try out all kinds of materials. Next to that, you will be shown a build up, that will cover learning programming skills from the age of 4 until 12. 

4. Changing role of the teacher: From transferring knowledge towards guided learning

New technology, new ways of education, new knowledge - it all comes at teachers with lightning speed. It is undoable for a professional in education to keep up with all the latest developments and findings. Therefore it is important to make a shift. Instead of being the one with all the knowledge, the role of the teacher has to change towards becoming a coach, a guide and a mentor for children. This requires a new skillset, but enables a teacher to make his teaching sustainable. During this training you will learn about the latest insights and theories and we will discuss what tools need to be in your skillset. Are you up for the challenge?

5. Child centered learning by giving autonomy

With help of a practical example of a school in primary education, we will present a way of realising child centered learning, by giving children more autonomy from the age of 4. This requires a special skillset and organisation, but the yields are high. Children become responsible for their own learning and make use of teachers on their request. 

6. My Languages, a multilingual portfolio

Proudly we present a wonderful activity book for children to work on their language skills. Children can use this folder both at school or at home to start learning a new language, for example, English. At the same time, by using this activity book they will become aware of their multilingual skills. The aim is to encourage spontaneous language learning and make sure that children have fun during the process. 

Translated into German: Meine Sprachen, ein Mehrsprachiges Portfolio

7. Innovative ways of teaching English

In this interactive workshop, personalized to your needs and specific educational content, together we will explore and create new ways of teaching English, to make it more fun and to increase student involvement and initiative. 

8. Learning the "Dutch way"

This workshop is about the Dutch Education System: Happy children in schools that cater for all. This wrkshop will give you an inside look at the newest developments of Dutch primary education (children in the age of 4 – 12). Out of 29 of the world’s richest industrialized nations, Dutch children come out as the happiest in the world by Unicef. They also rank among the top regarding recent international exams. What's the secret?

9. Practical tools to improve your teaching

WIping boards, collegiate consultation, wonderwalls, differentiation, talent focused learning - just a few topics that will come up during this interactive presentation, filled with discussion. You will go back to your class, filled with ideas to improve your teaching, increase the fun and student engagement. 
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