Program summary 2020

Program summary

Innovation within Dutch education

The course from day to day


Course Venue: Saxion University, Enschede 

Getting to Know Each Other 
Elevator Pitches of Good Practices from Participants 

Introduction to Dutch Education System 
“Dutch children - The Happiest Kids on Earth” 
What is behind the success? What went right? 

“Bringing up Children the Dutch Way” 
The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children 

Welcome Dinner 
Course Venue: Primary School - obs Stedeke, Diepenheim 

School Visit (Diepenheim, Obs Stedeke) 
Guided tour of the school 
Lesson observations (two rounds) 


Choice of Workshops:
1) Differentiation within the classroom 
2) How to teach highly-gifted children 

Cultural visit:
Historical and modern sights in Diepenheim area
Course Venue: University of Twente & University of Saxion 

The Shifting Role of the Teacher 

Visit to University of Twente: Technology lab for children 
Visit to University of Saxion: Tour around teacher training department (Fablab), Internationalisation office, material court


Choice of workshops: 
1) Differentiation in teaching English with the help of a large-scale assessment
2) Developing a rich learning environment from Kindergarten to 6th Grade 

Coffee Break 

Choice of Activities: 
1) Set up an innovative mini project, finding partners, use of e-twinning 
2) Guided cultural tour of the National Museum of Twente 

Course Venue: Primary Schools in Goor and Else-Herike 

Choice of two school visits:
1) Ods Elserike (Dalton Education)
2) Ods ’t Gijmink (Dalton Education) 

Guided tour in the school in groups 
Lesson visits (2 rounds) 


Choice of workshops: 
Ods Elserike 
1) Programming from the age of 4
2) VR in the classroom 

Ods ’t Gijmink 
1) VR in the classroom 
2) Innovative ways of teaching English 

Cultural visit / Afternoon off 

Farewell dinner 

Course Venue: Saxion University, Enschede 

Prepare own presentation

Let's present: 
Learning from the pro’s
Writing a school plan for improving education 


Participant presentations about: 
How can you improve education in their own schools and innovation in the school system?

Course evaluation and feedback 

Certificate ceremony 

PISA 2015

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