Innovation within Dutch Education

 Innovation within Dutch Education

April 11-15, 2022 | Amsterdam & Utrecht

Program Summary:

The focus of the course is on innovation in didactics, pedagogics and technology. Examples of topics that will be covered concerning didactics are teaching to highly gifted children, how to develop a system of highly developed differentiation with your class and English teaching, with help of a large scale assessment. On the matter of innovation in pedagogics you will learn among other things about the currently shifting role of the teacher, child centred learning, profiting from a rich learning environment and teaching the Dalton way! For innovation in technology within education you have a chance to experience the use of VR and programming in the classroom yourself. ICT plays an important role in the schools that will be visited. 

For more specifications about the content of the course, take a look at the program summary

 School visits

During this course you will all visit one of the best schools in the Netherlands, that has recently received their certificate of excellence. Their main mission is teaching children to be autonomous in a rich learning environment. This school is a frontrunner on innovative education, visible in both their didactical and pedagogic approach. The school uses new technology to great extent. 
The second school visit is to a school that teaches according to the Dalton or Montessori principle.

There will be an extensive program during the school visit, where you will learn about the vision of the schools, will have plenty of time to visit lessons about different subjects and/or a talk with children and teachers. Dutch schools tend to be quite informal, so there is a lot of opportunity to roam around and search for inspiration!

Learn from and with each other!
When bringing together teachers from all over Europe, you get a lot of knowledge and experience in one course. 
One of the aims of this course is to learn from each other, to discuss and spread knowledge in order to improve education in all of our schools. Therefore serve the (voluntary) elevator pitches and poster presentations as well as the interactive workshops in which you will be invited to share your ideas. 

The course is registered on the School Education Gateway
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